Section 1
第一部分是job场景,新题,十道题目都是填空题。考察的内容基本上都是第一部分常见的数字,姓名,地址等等。烤鸭们只要注意基本词汇的拼写(如insurance, coast) 以及第一部分常常出现的出尔反尔现象,基本问题不大。
1. Location:Central Hostel
2. Age:19
3. Preferred location: near the coast
4. Availability to work: from August
5. Payment basis: every hour
6. Type of fruit preferred: banana
7. Health: a problem with back
8. Client has medical insurance
9. Client doesn’t have a truck license
10. Accommodation: in a town nearby
第二部分是课程介绍的场景:evening class instructions,为旧题V120728S2
11. 那个课程受欢迎:选photograph
12. 上课时间调整原因:选short term duration between holidays
13. 今年拉丁舞为什么不开:选teacher is not available
14. 建议今晚干什么:communicate with teachers
15.向谁咨询:special teacher
16.什么情况给折扣:选自己take the second course
第三部分还是典型的选课场景:两个学生讨论入学,选修课,必修课等等。题型为单选和配对。首先考察的词汇绕不开选课高频词汇如compulsory course, selective course, assignment, assessment等等。还需要注意近期考试Section3选择+配对是常见的题型配比,且单选题多为长选项,这样读题时间就会显得比较紧张,烤鸭需自己匀出时间提前做好读题和找关键词的工作。
31. less carbon is consumed
32 some forest will recover
33. transport is environmentally friendly
34: recycle gas from rubbish
35 more likely to gain promotion in work
36. possible loss of culture during the process
37. the higher crime rate of the city
38. poor quality of air
39. good welfare means more energy wasted
40. people find daily traffic stressful